A Game Changer in Disaster Recovery

Ever since IT organizations—both large and small—started injecting ‘agility’ into their already complex technology-driven environment, business risks began to rise gradually. While IT disasters were not uncommon, some were so severe that it crippled an organization’s entire workflow.

Meanwhile, emerging as a ray of hope amid these circumstances, eBRP Solutions identified that although there were numerous Business Continuity Management (BCM) solutions available in the market, they failed to meet an organization’s needs in a comprehensive manner …

eBRP Thoughts

eBRP Thoughts

eBRP Thoughts, eBRP’s Blog voice, represents 50 + years of cumulative BCM knowledge gained through experience in corporate BCM program management, consulting & program implementations. We've worked hand-in-hand with governments and private enterprises to develop viable BCM programs. eBRP is an active participant on LinkedIn and Twitter. The opinions expressed in our eBRP.net blog are ours and are intended to engage resiliency planners in conversations about the BCM industry, its standards and its future.

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